วันอาทิตย์ที่ 29 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2555

Around the World For Free - Around The World For Free - Episode 20: Day 28-29

Around the World For Free - Around The World For Free - Episode 20: Day 28-29 Tube.

Duration : 6.17 Mins.

Jeff makes his way to Seoul where some English teachers 'kidnap' him for another Korean feast - and his troubles continue when his black belt host puts him through a muay thai workout at her gym

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Tags: cbsepisode, cbs, jeff, schroeder, around, the, world, for, free, season, 02, alex, alexander, boylan, amazing, race, travel, action, adventure, no, money, tortola, british, virgin, islands, caribbean, motivational, speaking, cw, terrific, roberts, sex

