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How to Fight BlindFolded

Have you seen martial arts masters in the movies fight either blind or blindfolded? What did you think? Wouldn't it be great to respond masterfully in a self defense situation without having to look? It is possible, but you have to be realistic....

Blindfolded -- A Little Bit Closer Now
It really is possible and practical to learn to fight with your eyes closed. I am sure you can imagine all sorts of benefits -- the sensitivity of technique alone would be worth the training.

Muay Thai in Thailand

As I said, it is possible, but you have to be realistic about your training.

Tour How to Fight BlindFolded

The first requisite is to get closer to your opponent. You need to be touching, in order to feel what to do and how to respond.

Fighting at a distance is fantasy. Anyone who does it ... is cheating, or deluding himself or herself. Really.

Take my word for it; you'll find it 1000 times easier to train with your wrists touching.

And speaking of why your wrists should touch ...

Find Styles That Already 'Fight' Blindfolded
Probably the easiest way to learn to train blindfolded or with your eyes closed is to find styles that already train this way ... and are adept at it.

Chi Sao (Sticking hands) training from Wing Chun Gung Fu comes to mind. Also, Tai Chi's Push Hands would fit the bill.

Both start from a neutral roll of some type, where the wrists are touching. Since both training exercises are more like laboratories for experimentation than true fighting, you start with the wrists in a neutral position.

The feeling of fighting this way without looking is then translated into practical application. And this includes application with the eyes ... wide open.

Wing Chun's Chi Sao
Chi Sao is a very straight-line energy exercise. Everything is directed toward the centerline of the body.

The movements are short and direct. In one sense, you are trying to get your opponent to react with a bigger motion than yours. You take advantage of this.

Tai Chi Push Hands
On the other hand (pardon the pun), in Tai Chi, the exercise is much more circular. The motions are bigger -- wider.

What is a disadvantage in one art, becomes the advantage in the other. And both work for training to fight without looking -- blindfolded.

Taking On The Other Blindfolded Energy
Studying both styles, in order to learn to fight blindfolded, is definitely an option. You'd gain a broad perspective by being able to 'fight wide' AND 'fight tight.'

If you are going to train in one or the other, make sure you find a style that deals with the energy of the other style. In other words, if you fight wide, learn also to deal with tight, short-technique fighters. And if you become accustomed to direct-line openings, know what to do if someone takes you off center with big, circular movements.

And either way ... have fun practicing martial arts blindfolded.

How to Fight BlindFolded

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