วันเสาร์ที่ 31 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2555

Sparring Counterattacks

Counter attack is a way to take control of the sparring match by taking advantage of the opponent's weakness when he attacks. A counter attack kick require precise reaction time and flexibility.

Evaluate your opponent's movement instantly and kick automatically in reaction. Counter attack demands quick judgment for good timing. For instance, use checks (feints) to induce your opponent to attack. When your opponent attempts the attack, counter attack right away. Pay close attention to your opponent's attack and counter attack technique and use this information to exploit your opponent's weakness.

Muay Thai in Thailand

The two common counter attack strategy are direct counterattack and indirect counterattack. In a direct counterattack strategy, both fighters counterkick at the same time while indirect counterattack, one fighter steps aside or blocks the kick of the opponent and then counters with a kick.

In Thailand Sparring Counterattacks

Direct Counter Attacks:

Kick as soon as they get within your perfect kicking distance. Don't hesitate. Commit or you will be hit! Direct Counterattack is good with motions because it hides your intentions. Back kick and back leg round kick are great hold ground techniques. Useful against aggressive fighters.

Against taller fighters, make sure to fight on their race distance not your race. Use long attacks like fast and skip kicks. Avoid direct back leg kicks instead use a step in round kick or inch in/lunging back kick.

Make sure to keep weight forward when you execute a slide back, switch out or slide out counter attacks.

After kicking, make sure to land forward in proper fighting stance. Don't land flat footed or land backwards because it delays your time to counter attack.

After you attack or counter an attack, make sure to clinch or move sideways from the opponent. Clinch if opponent is in crowded distance (punching distance). Don't stay in crowded distance because they can punch you in that range. Don't just move back either because they can kick you as you are moving backwards.

Indirect Counter Attacks:

Slide back and slide out - useful if opponent is kicking with a back leg round kick in closed stances (kicking your backside).

Switch out - useful if opponent is kicking with front leg round kick in closed stance or kicking with back leg round kick in open stance.

On first round, be conservative until you find out they're tendencies. Use more indirect counter attacks instead of direct counter attacks.

If you can't tell what kick they plan to throw then use back kick / jump back kick or jam them by clinching.

To counter punches, you should move to the side (using switch out or slide out) or use back side step. Never move back or step back because it gives them room to kick you.

Timing - for any counter attack, make sure to react (slide, switch out, and hold ground) as soon as they get within your race distance. Don't wait for them start the kick before moving because it's going to be too late.

A good sparing stance allows you to instantly adjust your kicks when your opponents changes motion. Making adjustments with good timing is a key to success in sparring.

If you miss a chance to counter, just don't dwell on the mistake because there are a lot of other opportunities. Remember opportunities are ever changing.

Sparring Counterattacks

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Muay Thai Boran Fists boxing techniques

Muay Thai Boran Fists boxing techniques Video Clips.

Duration : 2.60 Mins.

Muay Boran (Thai: มวยโบราณ, lit. "ancient boxing") is an umbrella term for the unarmed martial arts of Thailand prior to the introduction of modern equipment and rules. It is the ancestor of modern Muay Thai. The word muay which means boxing comes from the Sanskrit term mavya, while boran or boraan means ancient in Thai. The art is significantly different from its modern descendent. Whereas Muay Thai is often called the "science of eight limbs", muay boran is said to make use of nawa awut which means nine weapons and refers to the hands, legs, elbows, knees and head. Im Krieg zwischen Siam (heute Thailand) und Birma (heute Myanmar) von 1767 wurden bei der Eroberung der damaligen Hauptstadt Ayutthaya die meisten Aufzeichnungen über die Kunst und die Traditionen des Muay Thai vernichtet. Einige Quellen berichten, das Thaiboxen gehe bis auf das Jahr 1560 zurück, als König Naresuan von Siam in burmesischer Gefangenschaft war. Man sagte ihm Freiheit zu, wenn er in einem Zweikampf die burmesischen Champions besiegen könnte. Der König hatte Erfolg und das Thaiboxen wurde zum Nationalsport. Es gibt aber auch eine zweite Theorie, die besagt, dass bei archäologischen Ausgrabungen Beweise gefunden worden sind, dass die Ureinwohner Thailands bereits Muay-Thai ähnliche Techniken kannten. Was man jedoch sicher weiß, ist, dass Muay-Thai sich aus den alten Kriegskünsten der thailändischen Soldaten entwickelt hat. Das Muay Thai entwickelte sich aus regulären Kampfkünsten. Wenn Schwert und ...

Product List for Muay Thai Boran Fists boxing techniques

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Tags: Muay, Thai, Fist, Boran, Fight, Ancient, muaythai, siamboran, muayboran, grap, tony, jaa, Baukaw, K1, Max, Fighter, Boxer, Por, Pramuk, Watch, Video, Boxers, Boxing, Sanda, Vs, Thaitechniques, dragon, phuket, thit, thailand, nai, harn, fights, power, technique, skill, mauy, in, kickboxing, mma, ufc, camp, fighting, club, pads, training, contender, asia, action, combat, sports, extreme, martial, arts

Guide to Standardized Recipe

Standardized Recipe Ideology

A standardized recipe refers to a particular standard-of-use of certain metrics in cooking - Standard sizes, time, temperature, amount, etc. Abiding by this rule creates uniformity in kitchen produce, whether or not it is tangible or intangible.

Thai Food Cooking in Thailand

The idea of a standardized recipe is definitely not alien to many of us anymore. In fact, it has been very widely used around the globe and there are certain metrics to a standardized recipe that we must follow. In the kitchen, a standardized recipe is a crucial part of standardizing dishes, ingredients and elements in a restaurant that might lead to gain or loss during operational hours. Certain restaurants benchmark standardized recipes in their kitchen, some do not. There are pros and cons of using standardized recipes.

In Thailand Guide to Standardized Recipe

Benefits of having a Standardized Recipe
Creates an absolute standard in kitchen produce and cooking activities. Allows smooth transition between different kitchen staffs. Maintains food quality and food standards during kitchen operational hours. Guiding tool for newcomers to the kitchen. Refresh minds of kitchen staff after some time. (Eliminating guesswork) Referral material should there be any disputes. Base for costing when kitchen costs are calculated. Be a great guide to implementing a new menu should there be any need. Planning and costing purposes when a particular event needs accounting/kitchen control auditing. Prevents raw food leftovers (with good Kitchen Control)

Cons of having a Standardized Recipe
Inconvenient - This can be from the Head Chef keeping the list of standardized recipe in his room and had it locked or having three big books of standardized recipe and need kitchen staff to flip over one by one to get everything done. Inconvenience is the number ONE factor that led to kitchen staff not using standardized recipes. Time consuming - This is also one of the reasons why standardized recipe are not followed. During peak hours, a kitchen do not have time to waste, and every second counts. Better variations - Some Chefs prefer to follow their centric of taste, some are just worship their own believes. This could cause a problem when there is no proper training provided and Kitchen Control. Rules are meant to be broken - There are always different people/consumers around your restaurant. What's important, the customers. When standardized recipes are not tested regularly on the restaurant, inaccurate information may be provided in the standardized recipe. Solution: Leave room or space for food/cooking variation. This usually happen when the Head Chef is not properly organized or trained well for his position. A secret no more - Some restaurateurs or Chefs frown on making a book of standardized recipe because they want to protect their food knowledge. This is a classic perception: Someone comes by, takes all the recipe and leave the restaurant after a month. When it's gone, it's really gone - At certain times in a restaurant, a piece of recipe sheet can get lost. When it's lost, there will be a slight havoc in understanding as the Head Chef needs to take action immediately. On another situation, it can also be 'stolen' or 'retrieved' as management of the restaurant changes, and/or someone steals the particular information, or the restaurant faces mishaps like kitchen on fire.

Standardized recipes do not necessarily have certain standards that you need to follow. There are many ways to actually personalize your standardized recipe, keep them into your book and use them for referrals in the future. Alternatively, you can also save them into your computer, and organize them well. Whatever it is, standardized recipes serve good purposes in a kitchen - Take the time to actually follow the steps, and you might just get happier guests/customers.

There are three (3) common ways of writing a recipe:
Paragraph-style recipes List-style recipes Action-style recipes

Paragraph Style Recipes This way of writing a recipe is classic - And they serve their own purpose in writing that way. There are many pros and cons to this kind of writing style, and we'd like to leave it up to you to figure it out. Anyway, here's an example of a paragraph-style written recipe:

Put your skillet on the pan and turn on the heat to low. Now take a bowl, crack 2 fresh eggs inside and add in some salt and pepper. Next, grab a whisk and start beating it until it's mixed or quite fluffy. When your skillet is hot enough, add in 1 tbsp of oil, and swirl the oil around. You'll notice the oil runs faster on hot pans. When your pan and oil is hot enough, turn on the heat to high and pour in your eggs. Leave the heat on high until your eggs (at the side of the pan) forms a solid texture. At this time, reduce your heat to low. When your egg is cooked enough, flip it over and top it off with some ikan kering! Voilá!

Paragraph-style recipes can work at certain extent. Be sure to choose your methods of writing well.

List-style Recipes The list-style writing of recipes is one of the easiest, practical and most common ways of writing a recipe. This method consist of two sections - The header, and footer. Header consist of different elements such as recipe title, temperature, yield, time, etc, while the footer contains methods to use these ingredients. An example of list-style recipes:

-Eggs with Ikan Kering 2 no Eggs
-1 tbsp Oil
-Ikan kering
Heat up your pan in low heat, crack two eggs into a bowl and add seasoning. Whisk well. When your pan is hot enough, add in your oil and wait until it's hot. Pour it in and turn your heat to high, until you see the sides of your eggs are actually solid in texture. Reduce your heat to low, and cook the eggs well. Flip over. Top it off with some crumbled ikan kering and voilá!

Action-style recipes Action style recipes has been known as the killer way of listing recipes, amount, methods and ingredients in a very organized and well-mannered. The first step will usually contain ingredients and methods limited to only a particular food preparation, and the list continues and combines with step two and three. Here's an example:

Action-style recipes can be very directive and you can add in more information to your liking. Choose which is best for you and your audience, then pick the right one and give them value.

Standard Elements in a Standardized Recipe Although we may see certain standard recipe metrics in a standardized recipe that may be both relevant and irrelevant to you, there are certain practical usage to it, and customizing your standardized recipe a good way to go when you need to emphasize certain recipe metrics in a recipe sheet. In a way, always think of your end-users rather than yourself.

Common Recipe Elements in a Standardized Recipe
Ingredients Temperature Equipments & Utensils Needed Amount Method Media (Picture/Video)

These metrics are the basics - But what makes a better Standardized Recipe is to actually explain in detail what is the outcome, what should you avoid, what should you do and not do, etc. While these may be too long to squeeze into your methods area or the miscellaneous box in the action style recipe, you should include a section to it.

Recommended Standard Recipe Elements to Add These recommended standard recipe elements are absolutely optional and should only be included at selected times. Note that most recipes require only the simplest of steps to take, and portrayal of information should be as concise, clear and to the point as possible.
Taste - At what degree should this dish taste like, and how you can stretch its seasoning properties from there. Precautions and Warnings - Precautions while handling these food mix or cooking methods. Tips & Advice - Best way to beef up preparation methods and cook well without the need for practical training. What to do while waiting - Important steps or methods to follow or take while waiting cooking or preparing a food ingredient or food ingredient mixes, etc. Alternatives - Alternatives to this cooking method, or that food ingredient which might not be available in certain areas of the world. Should there be any alternative ways to do it, it should be pointed out. Halal status - Halal status is very important. Certain foods are pre-packed in a non-halal manner, or foods containing pork-based materials used in preparation or alcohol usage. For example, rum flavoring. Comes in halal and non-halal. Garnishing recommendations - This should be included and portrayed after recipe methods. Miscellaneous information - This information should be portrayed at the very bottom of the recipe, stating ways on how to prepare and cut this meat, or measure the intensity of cooking in the meat. This could also serve as a section where you throw in a combination of Taste (No. 1) and Tips & Advice (No. 3).

Guide to Standardized Recipe

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Hot Thai Kitchen - Pork Satay pt 2

Hot Thai Kitchen - Pork Satay pt 2 Tube.

Duration : 8.08 Mins.

Learn how to cook Thai food the real way with a real Thai. I was born and raised in Thailand, and I lived there for 20 years. I have always been obsessed with food and can't think of a life without it, so I went and got a nutrition degree in Canada, cooked in a few professional kitchens, and then off to culinary school in San Francisco. I am passionate about my culture, particularly its food, and I want to share it with the world. That's why I'm here. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do making it. Kob kun ka (thank you)! Pork satay 1 tsp minced galangal (microplaned) 1 Tbsp lemongrass, finely chopped 1 tsp Turmeric, finely minced Grind above in pestle and mortar 2 tsp toasted ground coriander seeds ½ tsp toasted ground cumin 1.5 salt 2 tsp sugar dash white pepper ½ cup coconut milk (fatty part) 1 lb pork loin Add above to the herbs, marinade at least 0 mins Peanut sauce Reduce 1 c. coconut milk till broken 2 Tbsp red curry paste ½ cup ground peanuts 1 c. coconut milk Reduce 7-10 minutes ¼ cup palm sugar 2-3 Tbsp homemade tamarind 1-2 tsp fish sauce

Product List for Hot Thai Kitchen - Pork Satay pt 2

Save Big for Hot Thai Kitchen - Pork Satay pt 2

Keywords: Hot Thai Kitchen, satay, pork satay, chicken satay, Thai food, Thai cooking, cooking show, Pailin, Pai, skewers, grilling, pork, peanut sauce

Asian At Home ::: Fried Rice ::: Tour of Asia

Asian At Home ::: Fried Rice ::: Tour of Asia Video Clips.

Duration : 18.82 Mins.

READ ME FOR MORE INFORMATION~!! =D Thank you so much for watching my Fried Rice video!! ***Watch it until the end, I have a surprise for you! lololol*** Subscribe for support!! :D XOXO!!! If you like the recipe, THUMBS UP or FAV~!! =D yeah~! This video is the most longest video ever from me! But because it has 5 recipes in one video! Yes, 5 recipes!! All of'em have their own attraction, so pick your favorite! Oh, the basic fried rice you can serve as a side dish, Indian inspired fried rice you can serve with some tandoori chicken or serve as how you want, and how you feel like! lol Enjoy my Fried Rice - Tour of Asia recipe video, Love you~!! XOXO~!! Visit my website! :D - www.SeonkyoungLongest.com Follow me on Twitter! :D - twitter.com Add me on Facebook! :D - www.facebook.com Any Questions! :D - seonkyounglongest@yahoo.com ::::INGREDIENTS:::: For Basic Fried Rice (Serve 4) 3 to 4 Tablespoons peanut oil 4 cloves garlic, chopped 1 medium size onion, chopped 1/4 cup finely chopped carrot 3 to 4 eggs(1 medium egg per person) 4 cups your choice of fluffy rice 4 green onions, chopped 1 to 2 teaspoons sea salt and black pepper #Heat a wok high heat, then add oil and heat. Add galic and onion, season with salt and pepper and stir fry for 1 min until soft, then add carrot and stir fry for another min. Push all the vegetable one side of the wok then add eggs empty spot, then season with salt and pepper, scramble untill the egg is cooked.(1 to 2 min) Quickly mix all the vegetables ...

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Save Big for Asian At Home ::: Fried Rice ::: Tour of Asia

Tags: fried rice, Asian food, thai, chinese, indian, japangese, teriyaki, teriyaki chiken, food, concert, chicken, world, cooking, cheese, burger, kitchen, eating, pizza, restaurant, recipe, hungry, meat, dinner, mcdonald, drive, ronald, fried, kfc, lunch, fries, meal, thru, mcdonald's, eats, bacon, hamburger, big, chicken dance, bbq, fire, flames, walk, sauce, beef, sushi, recipes, breakfast, salad, cuisine, vegetarian, foods, grill, healthy, pork, sausage, curry, potatoes, tomato, china, taiwan, news, health diet, how to make fried rice

Combat Line I Muay Thai fighting Moscow #3

Combat Line I Muay Thai fighting Moscow #3 Tube.

Duration : 12.27 Mins.

Красный угол - Роман Медведев (Одна Команда) vs Айгистов Никита (Комбат) Турнир по муай тай Combat Line I Москва 26 февраля 2012 combatmoscow.com

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Save Big for Combat Line I Muay Thai fighting Moscow #3

Keywords: muay thai, одна команда, комбат, тайский бокс, combat line I

วันศุกร์ที่ 30 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2555

Thai Yellow Curry with Shrimp and Pineapple

Thai Yellow Curry with Shrimp and Pineapple Video Clips.

Duration : 8.38 Mins.

Make a very spicy Thai Dish Yellow Curry with shrimp and pineapple. To learn more Thai food recipes go to www.my-thaiwife.com

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Keywords: Thai, Yellow, curry, spicy, shrimp, and, pineapple, Thailand

What the Netherlands is Famous For

Tulips - this is one of the things that come into mind when we think about the Netherlands. From the end of March till the end of May the Keukenhof flower garden (located near the town of Lisse) gathers visitors for the most fantastic flower show in the world. Flower plantations stretch all over the coast. In spring the whole district is covered with a multicoloured carpet more than 17500 hectares big. Almost half of it is tulips.

First tulip bulbs were brought here from Turkey and Central Asia. Netherlands, with its sandy coastal soil, proved to be ideal for tulip planting, and pretty soon these flowers got extremely popular - one bulb could cost as much as some mansion by the Amsterdam canal. Later the flower market fell into decay, but in the 18th century it was in bloom again. Nowadays the Netherlands is the world's largest flower exporter. There are more than 7,5 billion tulip bulbs gathered in the country every year, and a great amount of them is sold abroad.

Tour In Thailand in Thailand

The Netherlands is also renowned for its excellent cheese; it's the largest cheese exporter in the world. The most famous cheese sorts are Edam and Gouda, both produced of cow's milk. One of the most famous local cheese markets is found in Alkmaar, opened every Friday morning from April till October. The market still follows the rules of 1672, and the trade is carried out according to the ancient traditions: first the customer chooses sort of the cheese he wants to buy and then the seller and the client clap each others hands (one after another) until they agree upon the price. After the bargaining is over, cheese is brought to the weighing house (Waag).

Smile Thailand What the Netherlands is Famous For

Clogs. Initially clogs (wooden shoes) were traditional Dutch footwear worn by the common people. Only the richest citizens could afford more expensive and convenient shoes. Still, the Netherlands produce more than 3,7 million clogs a year. Citizens don't wear them any more, but people working in the country sometimes do - they are warmer and drier than simple rubber boots. Former clogs were also a part of traditional clothes by which people could define where a person comes from. Most beautiful clogs are produced in Hindeloopen, Friesland.

Windmills. During the Roman times the Dutch coast was covered with sand drifts and vast swamps. Long time has passed since this place was turned into the wonderful "water country". For years and years people were struggling to drain the territory and much contribution was made by the windmills. Now many of them are found in Dutch villages and cities.

Windmills were invented in the middle of the 16th century to help pump the water up to the higher level. This was a true break-though which helped manage with the disaster. From this point people could causeway the territory around the lake, pump water from it and start cultivating the soil. Sometimes the mills were built in a row, forming a staircase.

The worse the situation with the territory was, the more windmills were built. Many of them were erected south-east of Rotterdam since the district, Albrandswaard, is edged with the Rhine inflows. When these measures were not enough, people started creating reservoirs. One of the most famous Dutch reservoirs is found in Kinderdike. The reservoir is really huge and surrounded with 19 windmills, which makes it a spectacular view.

What the Netherlands is Famous For

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Stir Fried Noodles Pad See Ewe

Stir Fried Noodles Pad See Ewe Tube.

Duration : 9.27 Mins.

Thai Fried Noodles from Ning's Kitchen. For more visit my-thaiwife.com

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Tags: Thai, food

Marpo - Muay Thai

Marpo - Muay Thai Tube.

Duration : 3.77 Mins.

Marpo - Muay Thai

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Tags: Marpo, Muay, Thai

วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 29 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2555

Sawamu, o demolidor (alta qualidade)

Sawamu, o demolidor (alta qualidade) Tube.

Duration : 1.32 Mins.

Um clássico dos anos 70 e 80! Sawamu e seu Kickboxing, que na época ainda era chamado de "Chuteboxe" ou "Boxe Tailandês". Pena que, desde aquela época, esse desenho (anime) nunca mais foi exibido novamente. Supõe-se que a versão dublada tenha sido perdida no incêndio da TV Record, ou esteja esquecida nos porões da TV Gazeta. Vídeo de abertura, re-mixado a partir de um episódio japonês legendado mais um trecho do áudio da dublagem brasileira encontrado na internet. Créditos: 1) Episódio legendado: Comunidade "Sawamu o demolidor" do Orkut. 2) Trecho do áudio dublado: origem desconhecida. OBS: Apenas frisando: Este vídeo não é uma captura, mas sim uma reconstituição. Infelizmente não possuo material dublado do Sawamu.

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Keywords: Savamu, sawamu, anime, record, abertura, opening theme

Spicy Thai Food Recipes

On visiting a new country we would always like to experience the local cuisine. Thailand is a country which is famous for its various culinary delights. A wide basket of variety foods are available here, which ranges from the extra spicy to the saline. Huge array of restaurants that serve the local foods will definitely delight your taste buds.

The number of restaurants serving Thai food is on a high not only in India but across the globe as well. The food is spicy because Thai people eat more chili per person than people of any other country.

Thai Food Cooking in Thailand

Most of the aromatic plants, including lemon basil, ginger etc., grown in Thailand are used in their dishes to make the food spicy. Thai people use these herbs and spices due to the following two reasons:

Smile Thailand Spicy Thai Food Recipes

*They love spicy food and
*Spices have medicinal purposes.

A major difference noted in Thailand is that they will not use a knife, instead use a spoon. Pieces of meat or fish served here are cut into small portions and that can be eaten with the spoon.

Thai people rarely eat food alone and they share each others' food plates. A plate of rice is served with almost all Thai meals.

On the basis of where you stay in Thailand, they use numerous types of chilies in the dishes they cook. (Thai word for chili is prik.) Thai Chili is the most common type of chili, available almost everywhere in the world. Another type is prik kee nu, a very small, extremely spicy chili, often served as a condiment.

Chili is also used to make the curry hot. Albeit having several varieties of curry, they use only five types, green, red, yellow, massaman, and penang curries. In order to get the correct flavor for different meats they use different curry. Lemon basil has a great flavor and it will make your food much spicier.

Ginger is another herb that makes your food spicy. You can boil ginger to make a tea and add some sparkle of it to grilled and baked fish.

Spicy Thai Food Recipes

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Gordon Ramsay Fast Food

Gordon Ramsay Fast Food Tube.

Duration : 7.12 Mins.

top chef gordon ramsay cooks up some tasty fast food. more videos here: tinyurl.com

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Tags: gordon, ramsay, cook, food, chicken, kitchen, linguine, eat, tv, fword, word, swear, claridges, jamie, oliver

Muay thai girls (Gina Carano i ...) Español *1*

Muay thai girls (Gina Carano i ...) Español *1* Video Clips.

Duration : 8.98 Mins.

Gina carano

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Keywords: deportes, de, combate, artes, marciales, muay, thai, girls, gina, carano, latasha

วันพุธที่ 28 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2555

The Benefits of Muay Thai Kickboxing

Somewhere within the Maryland, Virginia and Washington D.C. area are hundreds of people who are just beginning to experience the benefits of Muay Thai kickboxing. It has quickly become a popular martial arts sport that is both competitive and beneficial. Many may wonder what Kickboxing is all about and how it can benefit them. In this article you will discover the answer to that and more.

There are many benefits to becoming a Muay Thai kickboxer:

Muay Thai in Thailand

• Teaches you self defense
• Increases strength and agility
• Increases self confidence
• Teaches you discipline
• Builds your stamina
• Helps you to lose weight

Smile Thailand The Benefits of Muay Thai Kickboxing

Self defense is great to learn because you never know what may happen when you are out and alone. In addition to the self defense, it is good for anyone who may have low self-esteem because it gives you confidence in yourself. These are lessons you can take through life with you and use in almost any situation. Some say they even get a boost to their immune system from kickboxing.

Anyone can learn Muay Thai kickboxing. It is a form of unarmed combat that is appropriate for everyone including children. Competition is not a necessity in Muay Thai kickboxing. The discipline that children get from this form of martial arts can help them not only in life but in school as well. It can help increase their concentration and improve their grades as a result. Many children notice bullying is no longer a problem after they begin kickboxing classes because they have more self confidence in themselves.

A good Muay Thai boxer is honest and reliable. They are courageous and in control of their feelings. They are fierce yet gentle, and wise beyond their years. They are accustomed to being useful to their community and create unity among his peers. These are all admirable traits of a truly great Muay Thai boxer that you can benefit from and use in life.

There are misconceptions about Muay Thai kickboxing and other martial arts sports. Some believe that these sports breed violence and aggression. This is untrue. Let me explain. Although most martial arts are tough sports, they are sanctioned in today's sports world to protect the competitors. In many of the martial arts forms submission is more important than disabling a contender.

The Thai people take great pride in their national sport of Muay Thai. It is filled with traditions and values that the Thai people are happy to share with the world. This sport has become an international sport receiving credit for its origins.

If you are interested in learning Muay Thai kickboxing, check with some of your local mixed martial arts schools about your interest and question them about any requirements you may need before beginning any classes. Ask about their instructors and the physical benefits of the training. If you think you are really interested in learning kickboxing, and live in the Maryland, Virginia, Washington DC area, you can check out Lloyd Irvin's, Mixed Martial Arts Academies. You have the benefit of signing up for a 30 day free trial. Take advantage of this awesome deal now!

The Benefits of Muay Thai Kickboxing

Product List for The Benefits of Muay Thai Kickboxing

Muay Thai - Steeve Valente - Guillemain Ifig

Muay Thai - Steeve Valente - Guillemain Ifig Video Clips.

Duration : 6.37 Mins.

1/4 de finale du championnat de France 2003/2004 de Muay Thai pour les moins de 67 Kgs

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Tags: valente, steeve, muay, thai, ifig, guillemain, japy, paris, championnat, france, 2003, 2004, boxe, thailandaise

How to make Thai- Drunken Noodles

How to make Thai- Drunken Noodles Video Clips.

Duration : 4.32 Mins.

Don't worry about alcohol remaining in food. Alcohol boil out at about 175*. If the food was hot enough when it added in,the alcohol evaperated. The flavor and cleansing effect of the wine is left. Remember! you can EAT and drive, but you can't DRINK and drive...Hahahahahah.

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Keywords: thai, food, drunk, noodle, chef, kai

Thai Food - Thai Green Curry Recipe

Known in Thai as "Gaeng Keaow Wan" (Sweet green curry), this is probably the most famous of all Thai dishes and can be made as spicy or as sweet as you like to suit all palates. Here we have used ingredients that you should be able to find in most Western supermarkets:

150g chicken breast (sliced or cubed depending on your taste) 2 tbsp cooking oil (Soya Bean is best if you can find it) 1-2 tbsp Thai green curry paste (This is what makes it spicy) ½ cup coconut cream (either fresh or canned, again depending on what you can find) 1 cup coconut milk 1 cup pea eggplant (if you can find it - otherwise regular eggplant cut into small pieces will do) 5 kaffir leaves with the stems removed and ripped up into small pieces Thai fish sauce (this is the ingredient that gives it that authentic Thai flavour) 1 tsp sugar A handful of sweet basil leaves 1-2 long red chillies diagonally sliced (red bell pepper will do but of course it lacks the heat of real chillies)

Thai Food Cooking in Thailand

Heat the oil in a sauce pan over medium heat until it is hot enough to sizzle when splashed with water. Add the curry paste and keep stirring it to prevent the paste from burning. Cook for just half a minute until then add the coconut cream and the chicken. Cook until you can see no more pink on the chicken (add a little extra cooking time if you use large cubes of chicken, to make sure it's cooked through at the end). By now you will have a thick sauce. Turn the heat down so that you have a low boil and then add the eggplant, kaffir lime leaves, a dash of fish sauce, the sugar and finally the coconut milk. Keep it at a low boil for a few more minutes to blend all the flavours and ensure the chicken is cooked through. During these last few minutes you can check the flavour and add more fish sauce / salt / sugar / etc to get the taste you want. To regulate the level of spice you can add more curry paste or chillies to make it hotter or more coconut milk or cream to cool it down. Once you're happy and everything is cooked then remove it from the stove and transfer into serving bowl. Garnish with sweet basil leaves and serve with rice.

Tour Thai Food - Thai Green Curry Recipe
Thai Food - Thai Green Curry Recipe

Product List for Thai Food - Thai Green Curry Recipe

วันอังคารที่ 27 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2555

Duelo de Campeones de Muay Thai en Tabasco

Duelo de Campeones de Muay Thai en Tabasco Tube.

Duration : 6.38 Mins.

Tabasco será sede de un evento Continental de Kick Boxin Muay Thai y dos coterráneos expondrán sus títulos contra dos canadienses, será una noche inolvidable y posiblemente sea el parte aguas para que en la entidad se realice un Mundial que es la máxima justa de estos deportistas.

Product List for Duelo de Campeones de Muay Thai en Tabasco

Save Big for Duelo de Campeones de Muay Thai en Tabasco

Tags: Muay, Thai, acción, deportes, de, combate, artes, marciales, charla, deportiva, Tabasco, autoridaddeportiva

"andiamo!" in Thailand - Southern Thailand episode

"andiamo!" in Thailand - Southern Thailand episode Tube.

Duration : 22.10 Mins.

Donna and Travelocity's "Roaming Gnome" travel to Thailand for a 3-part production of "andiamo!". In this episode, Phuket, Koh Samui and Surat Thani are highlighted along with a great deal of culture, an amazing cuisine interaction with an esteemed member of the Thai Royal Family and more!

Product List for "andiamo!" in Thailand - Southern Thailand episode

Save Big for "andiamo!" in Thailand - Southern Thailand episode

Keywords: andiamo!, andiamo, donna, perkins, travelocity, roaming, gnome, southern, thailand, sunset, phuket, elephant, hills, tent, tented, camp, village, khao, sok, jonathan, chell, kong, royal, sirichalerm, chef, mcdang, mc, dang, paresa, resort, spa, chang, six, senses, evason, frank, glassman, anantara, lawana, mahout, jaden, alliance, jason, gordon, teal, greyhavens, jeff, warren, spiegel, mufasa, travel, network, channel, scuba, snorkel, food, cooking, white, water, rafting, cookery, spicy, spice, dancing, dance, sea, cucumber, cuisine

Pork Satay

Pork Satay Tube.

Duration : 9.72 Mins.

Skewers of pork tenderloin in a thai marinade

Product List for Pork Satay

Save Big for Pork Satay

Tags: recipes, cooking, pork

วันจันทร์ที่ 26 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2555

Pad Thai Bangkok

Pad Thai Bangkok Tube.

Duration : 1.72 Mins.

choche.ch in Bangkok

Product List for Pad Thai Bangkok

Save Big for Pad Thai Bangkok

Tags: Pad Thai, Bangkok, Streetfood, street food, choche, choche.ch, cook, cooking, streetcooking, street cooking, thai, thaifood, thai food, dishes, travel, delicious, receipe, Thailand

Tuk Kroeung Khmer Recipe + Tutorial

Tuk Kroeung Khmer Recipe + Tutorial Tube.

Duration : 3.78 Mins.

Tuk Kroeung is a popular Khmer dip made out of cooked fish and pahok sauce and served with assorted fresh and cooked vegetables. Ingredients for Fish Dip 1/2- 1 cooked fish (can be steam, fry, grill or even can) 5 garlic cloves 10 hot chili peppers -optional 2 tablespoons peanut -optional 2 tablespoons sugar 1 tablespoons salt 7 tablespoons pahok sauce 1 lime (yield about 5-6 tablespoons juice) 1 cup of boiling water Some vegetables we choose to dip with Watercress (lightly fry with sesame oil) English cucumber Japanese Eggplant Cabbage Broccoli floret (blanche) Grape Tomatoes Thai Eggplants Sadao Khmer Music: Nuk Nuk Bong Nass by Meas Sophear

Product List for Tuk Kroeung Khmer Recipe + Tutorial

Save Big for Tuk Kroeung Khmer Recipe + Tutorial

Tags: ខ្មែរ, អាហារ, ម្ហូប, ទឹកគ្រឿង, Khmer, Cambodia, Cambodian, Food, Recipe, Tutorial, Tuk, Kroeung, Thuk, Fish, Dip, Music:, Nuk, Bong, Nass, by, Meas, Sophear, khatiyakorner, cooking, recipes, tips

Maycon Gomes (Michon - CDL) Vs Paulo Lopes (Liga Sorocabana) 2ª Copa Itu de Muay Thai (1ºR e 2ºR)

Maycon Gomes (Michon - CDL) Vs Paulo Lopes (Liga Sorocabana) 2ª Copa Itu de Muay Thai (1ºR e 2ºR) Video Clips.

Duration : 6.33 Mins.

Michon fazendo sua 1ª luta de muay thay, vencendo por nocaute com um belíssimo low kick na coxa de seu adversário.

Product List for Maycon Gomes (Michon - CDL) Vs Paulo Lopes (Liga Sorocabana) 2ª Copa Itu de Muay Thai (1ºR e 2ºR)

Save Big for Maycon Gomes (Michon - CDL) Vs Paulo Lopes (Liga Sorocabana) 2ª Copa Itu de Muay Thai (1ºR e 2ºR)

Tags: minhas, imagens, 348, WMV, v9michon

How to Learn Savate With Martial Arts Video Training

Savate is a form of French martial arts also known as French foot fighting, French kickboxing and French boxing which involves using both the hands and feet as weapons. Savate works through a combination of western boxing elements and graceful kicking techniques. Beginners can now learn the basic principles of Savate through martial arts video training.

Martial art training videos on Savate will teach the beginner how to use foot kicks, which are the only form of attack permitted - no shins or knees. When competing in Savate, you are only allowed 4 types of kicks and 4 types of punches. The kicks comprise of the whip, chasse, reverse and low kick. The whip involves a roundhouse kick which makes contact with the instep, and it may be low, medium or high.

Muay Thai in Thailand

The chasse is the side or front piston-action kick which may be low, medium or high. The reverse is a hooking kick which makes contact with the sole of your shoe and may be low, medium or high. The low kick is a front or sweep kick to the shin which makes contact with the inner edge of the shoe and is performed with a characteristic lean backwards. The punches include the jab or lead hand, the cross or rear hand, the hook or bent arm and the uppercut which involves the use of either hand.

Tour in Smile Thailand Present How to Learn Savate With Martial Arts Video Training

Mixed martial arts training videos feature the 3 levels of competition in modern Savate, which are: assault, pre-combat and combat. In assault, you will be required to focus on your technique while still making contact with your opponent; excessive force is however not permitted. The pre-combat level will allow you to engage in full-strength fighting, so long as both you and your opponent are wearing protective gear such as helmets and shin guards. The final and most intensive level is combat which is similar to pre-combat, although no protective gear, with the exception of mouth guard and groin protection is permitted.

Unlike other martial art forms which offer belt colors as their ranking systems, in Savate you will be training for glove colors. However, as a beginner, you will not have any color. You may thereafter train to rise to the successive levels: blue, green, red, white and yellow. You must be a yellow glove rank and above if you want to compete. The highest ranking savateur (for males) or savateuse (for females) is a silver glove.

How to Learn Savate With Martial Arts Video Training

Product List for How to Learn Savate With Martial Arts Video Training

Ten Great Vacation Spots in the US

There are so many vacation spots right in the USA, why even consider going abroad? Choose from one of these domestic attractions, fit for singles or families, where you can plan a vacation to fit any budget.

The Oregon Coast

Tour In Thailand in Thailand

Experience foliage like you've never seen when you rent a car and drive down the Pacific coast. Begin your journey at Astoria, where jewel-toned forestlands and rivers converge with Highway 101. As you travel south, stop at Depoe Bay, the smallest natural navigable harbor in the world, to watch the whales and otters. Marvel at Florence's sand dunes, and finish your trek at Gold Beach.

Tour Ten Great Vacation Spots in the US

Colorado Springs, Colorado

You'll be up close and personal with Pike's Peak right beside you in this beautiful Rocky Mountain region. You can find a cosmopolitan resort hotel like the Broadmoor for skiing in the winter or swimming in the summer, or choose a cozier venue. Stop at places like the Seven Falls that decorate Cheyenne Mountain Canyon, where author Helen Hunt Jackson lived among the Indians she loved so much.

Miami, Florida

Spend your vacation in Miami, and let yourself bask in the rays of the warming sun on the golden beaches. Most people think of the sizzling nightlife, but you'll love the cultural experiences available in Miami. This city offers hundreds of houses to explore in the Art Deco district at the famous-or infamous-South Beach. Take your family to visit Miami's zoo, rated among the ten best in the USA.

Williamsburg, Virginia

Transport your family back into history at beautiful Williamsburg. This is a place where old homes, taverns, restaurants, and businesses are well preserved. The employees are well-trained artisans who dress and work to show you life as it once was. For more traditional family fun, you're not far from Busch Gardens and Water Country USA.

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Experience multiple cultural opportunities in Pittsburgh, an old city associated with its sports teams. Ride a cable car up the side of a steep incline and gaze out on the rivers below-then take a riverboat cruise. Visit the dinosaurs at the Carnegie, attend the symphony, learn about robotics, explore a conservatory, a planetarium, and an aviary, and shop in Shadyside. Then you can wrap it all up with a trip to Kennywood Park.

Jackson Hole, Wyoming

Forget Aspen and Vale-you can ski in Jackson Hole, another great Rockies location. You can also go dog sledding or snowmobiling, hike along wilderness trails, take a dinner sleigh ride, and much more. This haven offers family friendly packages all year round.

Tombstone, Arizona

Take a trip to the Town Too Tough to Die, as it's called, the location of the Gunfight at the OK Corral. Walk the streets of Tombstone where Wyatt Earp and Doc Holliday once roamed. Have a cool drink at the Crystal Palace, still open for business. Take a stagecoach tour, and visit Boot Hill Cemetery, where they like to keep them cool at night.

Ogunquit, Maine

Maine's lacy coastline is the result of pounding by glaciers, and you can explore many lighthouses along its shores. You'll learn about hauntings, daring rescues, and heartbreaking tragedies. Learn about America's coastal fishing industry. In Ogunquit, you can take a balloon ride or enjoy the fine, white sand along the beach.

Taos, New Mexico

Visit artistic Taos if your main interests are ecology and Indian culture. Attend one of the festivals that celebrate dance, music, culinary experiences, and more. Taos is a haven for artists, and you'll find many small museums and shops. The natives have respected Mother Earth for over six hundred years, and there are many ideas for true green living here.

Cleveland, Ohio

You'd be surprised what you can do at or near the so-called mistake on the lake! In Cleveland, explore the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame museum. Just an hour south, you'll find the Football Hall of Fame. You're also close to Cedar Point, voted the best amusement park on Earth for over a decade. While you're in the area, don't forget to attend an Indians baseball game or cheer for the Cavaliers.

Ten Great Vacation Spots in the US

Product List for Ten Great Vacation Spots in the US

10 Essential Items Needed For Your Next Vacation

I know how difficult it can be to to prepare for your vacation travel. It can be so easy to simply forget a very important item that you will need while you are on your vacation.

As a travel agent, I want to be sure my clients are well prepared dor their vacation. There's nothing worse than to plan all year for a weeks vacation, only to have it ruined because you forgot something of importance.

Tour In Thailand in Thailand

When I travel with friends, I always bring out this checklist months in advance, and give everyone a copy. I want to be sure we are not going to forget anything...like applying for a passport in time.

Smile Thailand 10 Essential Items Needed For Your Next Vacation

We all have enough of the last minute things to do before leaving for vacation. So these lists just make the packing that much less stressful.

Your Essential Travel Checklist - 10 Items You Must Remember

1. Everyday Bag: In transit holds tickets, camera, reading material.

2. First-Aid Kit: A compact health kit.

3. Passport / Money Carrier: To keep these items secure.

4. Travel Watch/Alarm: Quartz/battery, water/shock resistant.

5. Swiss Pocket Knife: Blade, can/bottle opener, scissors, tweezers, etc.

6. Electrical Converter/Adapter: Use personal appliances abroad.

7. Flashlight/Head Lamp: Light a hallway, train compartment, etc.

8. Sunglasses: Protection from harmful ultraviolet and infrared radiation.

9. Travel Organizer: ID, tickets, itineraries, receipts and addresses.

10. A Positive Attitude: For unexpected delays or detours.

Your Complete Travel Checklist

I know how difficult it can be to to prepare for your vacation travel. It can be so easy to simply forget a very important item that you will need while you are on your vacation. You have the option to download checklist that you can use every time you take a trip, including the following categories to make your travel planning a little easier.


Maintenance Items




Home Checklist

We all know how much we all need a well deserved vacation from time to time. And this is just one way to help you make sure that when you finally get to take this vacation, that you have a great time while you are away from home...and away from all the products you take for granted that are always at your finger tips. Plan ahead to take some of the comforts of home with you, to make your vacation a little more enjoyable.

10 Essential Items Needed For Your Next Vacation

Product List for 10 Essential Items Needed For Your Next Vacation

วันอาทิตย์ที่ 25 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2555

Muay Thai Striking Series: The High Kick

Muay Thai Striking Series: The High Kick Video Clips.

Duration : 3.12 Mins.

Download the new Series from : submissions101.com Muay Thai is referred to as the "Art of Eight Limbs" or the "Science of Eight Limbs" because it makes use of punches, kicks, elbows and knee strikes, thus using eight "points of contact", as opposed to "two points" (fists) in boxing and "four points" (hands and feet) used in other more regulated combat sports. A practitioner of muay Thai is known as a nak muay. Well now you can learn Muay Thai from the best. We are not talking about just any Muay Thai Fighter... We have put together a series with a true Champion Malaipet Sitprapom: * Former Rajadamnern Stadium Champion * Current International WBC Muay Thai Welterweight Champion * IKBA World Champion * IKKC USA Champion * IMTO USA Champion * IMTO World Champion * IKKC World Champion

Product List for Muay Thai Striking Series: The High Kick

Save Big for Muay Thai Striking Series: The High Kick

Keywords: striking, muay, thai, high, kick, knees, elbows, Strike (attack), Boxing, kickboxing, submissions, 101, Mma, Mixed Martial Arts, Round, Right, Taekwondo, Karate, Training, School



Duration : 5.03 Mins.

If you want to say 'I Love You' then there is no better way of doing it than with something you've made yourself. These chocolate truffles look amazing, taste incredible and show that you really care... but best of all, they won't cost you the earth and have the personal touch! Get the recipe at www.sortedfood.com Like us on facebook for loads more SORTED food gossip at www.facebook.com Check out plenty of other simple, cheap and tasty recipes in our books at www.sortedfood.com



Tags: choc, chocolate truffle, truffles, chocolates, how to make, recipe, homemade, recipes, cooking, dark, liqueur, gift, present, Sorted food, sortedfood, Ben Ebbrell, Chocolate, Kitchen, cook, Food, Eating, Mike Taylor

World's Different Cuisines

Cuisines reflect the cultural variety of countries regions and their diverse history affected by the civilization. Each country has its own cuisine that differs from other countries and represents the country's customes, traditions and the kinds of foods that its people adore.

There are many famouse cuisines in the wold which can present the civilization of their countries here are the most famouse cuisines:

Thai Food Cooking in Thailand

Italian Cuisine

Tour in Smile Thailand Present World's Different Cuisines

Depends heavily on some basic ingredients that have become key to Italian cuisine like: bread, pasta, wine, olive, cheese and many other items appeared after the discovery of the New World such as tomatoes, maize (used for cornmeal), bell peppers, and potatoes such items are important components.

Italian Style Coffee is very famouse, known also as espresso, is a concentrated coffee prepared by forcing boiling water through finely ground coffee beans at high pressure.

Chinese Cuisine

A meal in Chinese culture is typically seen as consisting of two or more general components: a carbohydrate source or starch accompanying dishes of vegetables, meat, fish, or other items. Contemporary Chinese cuisine has spread to many other parts of the world from East Asia to India, North America, Australasia and Western Europe. Rice is a critical part of much of Chinese cuisine, Soup also is usually served at the start of a meal and at the end of a meal in Southern China. In most dishes in Chinese cuisine, food is prepared in bite-sized pieces, ready for direct picking up and eating. Traditionally, Chinese culture considered using knives and forks unsuitable at the table due to fact that these instruments are regarded as weapons.

Mexican Cuisine

Mexican food is a mixture of original Mayan and Aztec cuisine combined with the influence of the Spanish conquistadors. Mexicans have a lot of corn-based foods that have taste and flavor all their own consisting of such rich, heavy foods as tortillas, chili peppers, and beans. The staples of Mexican cuisine are tortillas. Tortillas are made by curing maize in limewater, then kneading the mixture into dough, and cooking the thin patties on a flat grill. Chiles are another staple of traditional Mexican cuisine, adding color and dimension to many authentic Mexican dishes.

Middle Eastern Cuisine

Middle eastern cuisine encompasses a range of cooking styles from a number of different countries. Arabian, Syrian, Moroccan, Greek, Egyptian, and many other cuisines. The spices and flavors of Middle Eastern food awaken the senses, sparkling against the thicker, richer tastes of the main ingredients. Mints, lemon, garlic, rosemary, and many others. Middle Eastern Food is Healthy, fresh, and delicious, it's little wonder that the cuisine of the Middle East is so popular with diners all over the world.

These are considered as the most popular cuisines in the world and you can notice that each cuisine presents something differs from the others depends upon the civilization and the culture of the country. For sure now it will be easy for you to find a recipe that suits your end.

World's Different Cuisines

Product List for World's Different Cuisines

วันเสาร์ที่ 24 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2555

Rezept: Spicy Beef mit Thai-Basilikum (Jasmine's Asia Corner)

Rezept: Spicy Beef mit Thai-Basilikum (Jasmine's Asia Corner) Tube.

Duration : 3.28 Mins.

Thai-Rezepte: www.lecker.de Jasmine kocht dieses Mal thailändisches Rindfleisch mit Thai Basilikum. Das Rezept ist bestens geeignet, um auf die Schnelle ein schmackhaftes Hauptgericht zu kochen. Denn in einer halben Stunde ist das Spicy Beef mit Thai Basilikum zubereitet. Ein weiterer Grund zum Nachkochen: Durch die mundgerechte Portionierung ist das Gericht optimal geeignet, um es mit Stäbchen zu genießen. Das Thai-Basilikum verleiht dem Essen die besondere asiatisch-würzige Note. Als Beilage eignet sich Basmatireis -- absolut lecker! Mehr Rezept-Videos gibt's auf www.LECKER.de Abonnieren Sie auch den kostenlosen Newsletter von LECKER.de: www.lecker.de

Product List for Rezept: Spicy Beef mit Thai-Basilikum (Jasmine's Asia Corner)

Save Big for Rezept: Spicy Beef mit Thai-Basilikum (Jasmine's Asia Corner)

Tags: lecker, lecker.de, leckerde, jasmine's asia corner, jasmine, asia corner, asia, asiatisch, asia food, asien, cook, cooking, food, Gericht, Rezept, Rezepte, Kochrezept, Kochrezepte, Anleitung, Zubereitung, how-to, diy, Tutorial, Instruktion, essen, kochen, koch, kochshow, küche, entertainment, educational, instruction, kitchen, tips, recipe, help, tricks, instructional video, intstructions, beef, rind, thai, thailand, thailändisch

Top 10 Best Chili Recipes

There's something about eating a nice, hearty bowl of chili that warms us down to our toes. Doesn't matter what time of year - anytime is chili time! It's amazing how many varieties of chili recipes exist in the cooking universe. Here's a small sample of some great chili recipes.

Award Winning Chili - Made with beef brisket, garlic, V8 juice, jalapeño pepper, spices, beer and your commitment to making great chili. You'll win awards in your own kitchen after making this delicious chili.

Thai Food Cooking in Thailand

Authentic Texas Chili - Made with top round beef, garlic, green peppers, dried chilies, beef stock and hot sauce. This chili brings you a taste of the old Southwest - open prairie, a cozy fire and a cowboy strumming a tune on his guitar.

In Thailand Top 10 Best Chili Recipes

Bill's Prize Winning World Best Chili - Made with lean ground chuck, lean ground pork, lean beef chuck, onions, tomato sauce, powdered mole (mo-lay), hot sauce and spices. This amazing chili recipe is definitely for the true chili connoisseur.

Chili's Restaurant Southwest Chicken Chili - Made with navy beans, kidney beans, chicken breast, tomatillos, jalapeño pepper, green pepper, onions, lime juice and chili spices. If you've ever enjoyed this dish at Chili's restaurant and wondered how they make it. Now you know.

Down Home Crockpot Chili - Made with kidney beans, ground beef, garlic, tomatoes, cayenne pepper, chili seasoning, and spices. A savory slow-cooker chili recipe with a delicious homemade flavor.

Texas Beer Chili - Made with ground beef, pinto beans, tomato sauce, tomatoes, beer, onion and spices. A simple yet hearty chili to enjoy with thick slices of toasted garlic bread or tortilla chips.

Wendy's Chili - Made with ground beef, kidney beans, onion soup, tomato paste, spices. I love Wendy's chili. Eat this when you have a cold - it'll make you feel better.

White Bean Chili - Made with chicken, white beans, pepper jack cheese, and mild salsa. A great chili recipe to make when you're in a hurry to eat.

Best Cincinnati Chili - Made with ground beef, tomato sauce, garlic, Worcestershire sauce, cinnamon, allspice and chocolate. Cincinnati is famous for this sweet and spicy salsa. Serve it over spaghetti noodles with sprinkled cheese on top - yum!

Uncle Jim's Award Winning Vegetable Chili - Made with pinto beans, kidney beans, black beans, garbanzo beans, corn, zucchini, jalapeño chilies, onions, green peppers, carrots and spices. Who needs meat when you can enjoy this hearty vegetarian chili instead? Sprinkle some grated cheddar cheese on top to make it extra special.

Top 10 Best Chili Recipes

Product List for Top 10 Best Chili Recipes

Online Muay Thai Training - Learn Muay Thai Kickboxing At Home

Do you want to learn Muay Thai kickboxing online? There are lot's of different ways to train yourself in the art of Thai Kickboxing. This could be from all over body conditioning, flexibility and technique based move training. Even if you can't afford to join an MMA gym there are still plenty of ways to practice in your own home.

What Exactly Is Muay Thai Kickboxing?

Muay Thai in Thailand

Unlike traditional kickboxing, which is a hybrid of Karate and Western Boxing, Muay Thai makes more use of shin strikes, elbow strikes and clinch work. It is also the national sport of Thailand. The sport is currently a very popular edition to MMA and can be seen in the UFC being used by fighters such as; Anderson Silva, Wanderlei Silva and Mauricio Rua.

In Thailand Online Muay Thai Training - Learn Muay Thai Kickboxing At Home

How To Start Muay Thai Training

Thai kickboxing requires a great deal of fitness. If you want to start training then I would recommend building up your overall fitness levels by doing cardiovascular activities such as running, swimming and skipping. It's common practice for Thai fighters to do a 10km run every morning for the months leading up to a fight.

I would recommend that you learn these three basic strikes to begin with. It's important to master each move individually. We all want to learn the flashy kicks that we see in the movies, but without the basics you will never be able to get there.

Roundhouse Kick - Probably the most famous kick of all time, and certainly one of the most effective. Most of the power from a roundhouse kick comes from the waist with the point of impact being the shin.

Straight Kick - The straight kick is a very useful defensive move that is used to push back your opponent and give you more space. It can also be a very powerful attack if performed correctly. The point of impact is either the ball of your foot or the heel.

Jab and Cross - The first punches you should ever learn. The jab is simply a straight punch with whatever arm you have in front of you, whilst the cross is a straight punch with whatever arm you have at the back. The point of impact should be your two front knuckles and you should only tense your fist just before you strike.

Leaning these basic moves is a good way to begin your training. I would definitely recommend that you don't move onto anything else until you have mastered these basic steps.

Where Can I Learn Muay Thai Kickboxing

There are loads of great resources online if you want to learn any martial arts. If it is MMA forms or Thai Kickboxing then I would recommend that you find a program that has been designed by professional fighters. There are a program online called Damage Control. This program will take you through the entire process of learning mixed martial arts.

Online Muay Thai Training - Learn Muay Thai Kickboxing At Home

Product List for Online Muay Thai Training - Learn Muay Thai Kickboxing At Home

วันศุกร์ที่ 23 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2555

Homemade Thai Food: แหนมเนือง (Nam Neaung) or Vietnamese Summer Roll---Part 2

Homemade Thai Food: แหนมเนือง (Nam Neaung) or Vietnamese Summer Roll---Part 2 Video Clips.

Duration : 9.55 Mins.

Product List for Homemade Thai Food: แหนมเนือง (Nam Neaung) or Vietnamese Summer Roll---Part 2

Save Big for Homemade Thai Food: แหนมเนือง (Nam Neaung) or Vietnamese Summer Roll---Part 2

Keywords: แหนมเนือง, (Nam, Naeung), or, Vietnamese, Summer, Roll, thai, food, how, to, cook, homemadethaifood, home, made, homemade, cooking, recipe.

Zuppa de Pesce / Seafood Soup Patsys Place Episode #004

Zuppa de Pesce / Seafood Soup Patsys Place Episode #004 Video Clips.

Duration : 9.73 Mins.

Amazing seafood soup

Product List for Zuppa de Pesce / Seafood Soup Patsys Place Episode #004

Save Big for Zuppa de Pesce / Seafood Soup Patsys Place Episode #004

Keywords: The, night, of, sevev, fishes, Patsy's, Place, food

Eating Bat Thailand - www.thailandgek.nl

Eating Bat Thailand - www.thailandgek.nl Tube.

Duration : 3.07 Mins.

www.thailandgek.nl www.thailand.eigenstart.nl The latest Batman film has been thrilling movie fans across the world, yet the only stir bats are causing in a remote village in Thailand's northeastern province of Kalasin is in a cooking pot. Let's find out more in this report from AP. Even though work in the paddy fields of this small village in Kalasin means hard toil, the elders of Baan Toom Village have their compensation -- in the form of an abundance of free flying food. When these farmers want something different for dinner they leave their rice seedlings, grab a net and a long pole and go... bat-hunting. Their regular hunting ground is the area's sugar-palm trees. Before the bat traps are laid, a village elder chants a prayer asking the bats' forgiveness for the fate awaiting them. The sleeping bats are taken by surprise when the net crashes into the canopy of the trees and they fall into the waiting net. They call this species of bat "kangkhao noo" or "mouse bat" because of its small size. They look as if they'd make a poor meal, but according to a villager the "mouse bat" tastes very good. Phusanee, villager and bat meat lover said "They're good; fried to a crisp -- they're delicious! Tasty. They do wonders for your libido. If you have them with traditional medicine they boost your performance." The bats are killed by plunging them into boiling water. Once they're dead, they're skinned of their fur and then roasted on a charcoal fire, including their wings and guts ...

Product List for Eating Bat Thailand - www.thailandgek.nl

Save Big for Eating Bat Thailand - www.thailandgek.nl

Keywords: bat, adventure, thailand, thai, vleermuis, food, eten

Chicken Wrap Recipes

These chicken wrap recipes are delicious. Just check these out and I'm sure you'll be amazingly surprised.

So here we go for some chicken wrap recipes:

Thai Food Cooking in Thailand

>>Thai Chicken Wraps

Smile Thailand Chicken Wrap Recipes

Dipping sauce:

1 cup sour cream

1 teaspoon sesame oil

1/3 cup milk

2 tablespoons crunchy peanut butter

Chicken filling:

1 tablespoon vegetable oil

1 1/2 cups carrots julienne

1 pound chicken breasts boneless, skinless 1 pieces

1 tablespoon curry powder

1 teaspoon fresh ginger root minced

1 tablespoon sesame oil

1/2 cup water

1/2 cup red pepper chopped fine

1/4 cup flaked coconut

1/4 cup green onion julienne

2 1/2 cups cooked white rice

2/3 cup crunchy peanut butter

3 cups cabbage shredded

6 flour tortillas (10 inch)

1. In small bowl, combine all sauce ingredients. Cover; refrigerate until serving time.

2. In 10 inch skillet, heat oil until sizzling; stir in chicken and ginger. Cook over medium-high heat until chicken is no longer pink (7
to 9 minutes). Add cabbage, carrots, red pepper and onion; continue
cooking until vegetables are crisply tender (5 to 7 minutes).

3. Meanwhile, in 1 quart saucepan, combine peanut butter, water, coconut, curry powder and oil. Cook over medium-high heat until mixture is heated through (5 to 7 minutes). Remove from heat. Add rice; mix well.

4. At serving time, place 1 cup filling in center of each warm tortilla. Fold two opposite edges of tortilla toward center of filling. Roll up open end of tortilla toward opposite edge. Place, seam-side down, on microwave-safe plate.

5. Microwave two sandwiches on high, turning or rearranging after half the time, until heated through (1 to 2 minutes). Repeat with remaining sandwiches. Serve wrap immediately with sauce for dipping. Makes 6 sandwiches.

>>Chicken Tortilla Wraps

4 fat free flour tortillas

1 lb boneless skinless chicken breast halves cut in thin strips

1 med tomato chopped

1 med onion sliced

1 sm clove garlic finely chopped

1/4 tsp salt

1/4 tsp ground black pepper

2 c shredded lettuce

2 tbsp worcestershire sauce

3/4 c reduced fat ranch-style dressing

Heat oven to 350°. Wrap tortillas in foil. Heat in oven for 10-15 minutes or until warm. Coat large nonstick skillet with cooking spray. Place skillet over medium high heat. Add chicken, onion and garlic; sauté until chicken is no longer pink in center, 4-6 minutes. Stir in worcestershire sauce, salt and pepper.

Divide chicken mixture among tortillas. Top each with lettuce and tomato. Drizzle each with 2-3 tbsp dressing. Roll up the tortillas and serve.

That's it for today! If you want more chicken wrap recipes just check below:

Chicken Wrap Recipes

Product List for Chicken Wrap Recipes

วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 22 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2555

Spicy Chilli Squid (http://tinydelights.com)

Spicy Chilli Squid (http://tinydelights.com) Tube.

Duration : 8.72 Mins.

Renowned Asian food expert Elizabeth Chong travels China, the land of her birth, and shares with viewers the yum cha and small dishes from the four major regions of China. Returning to the kitchen, in each weekly episode Elizabeth demonstrates how to prepare two new tiny delights at home. DVD and companion cookbook at tinydelights.com

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Tags: Tiny-Delights, Elizabeth-Chong, yum-cha, dim-sum, China, Chinese-food, Chinese-cooking, Asian-food, Asian-cooking, home-cooking, wok-cooking, Chinese, recipes, squid

Basic technics of Muay Thai

Basic technics of Muay Thai Video Clips.

Duration : 56.10 Mins.


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Tony Jaa

Tony Jaa Tube.

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Sea Bass with Fennel Garlic lemon recipe how to make cook cooking food recipes chip chips andalucia

Sea Bass with Fennel Garlic lemon recipe how to make cook cooking food recipes chip chips andalucia Video Clips.

Duration : 2.98 Mins.

My recipes: www.youtube.com

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My Personal Fitness Blog: Muay Thai Pre-Class Warm Up

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วันพุธที่ 21 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2555

Vegetable Soup

We often have vegetable soup at home. It has carrots, potatoes, cabbage and green peas in it. Lots of people also add cauli flowers, broccoli, tofu, mushroom or meatballs (bakso). That's why this food is ideal for small kids. Complete vegetables in a meal.

We also need beef or chicken stock besides vegetables. I prefer lean meat, but my mother usually prepares part of meat which has more fat every time her grandchildren come to visit her.
Meat with fat will of course make a more delicious soup.

Thai Food Cooking in Thailand

My mother will only need to add chopped and fried garlic, white pepper and salt. My recipe needs more than those three ingredients because of the lean meat that I use.

Smile Thailand Vegetable Soup

I prefer fresh spices rather that the ones packed in blottles and would need:
- 1 piece of garlic
- half teaspoon of white pepper
- cinnamon (about 2cm long)
- 1 piece of nutmeg
- 4 pieces of cloves
- 1 piece of cardamom
- ginger (about the size of an adult's thumb)

Don't forget to grind the white pepper first. More white pepper can be used in order to have a more spicy and tasty soup, but not for children.

I have to boil 500 gram of beef cuts together with the above mentioned spices plus salt until the beef becomes tender. The amount of water should be just enough to immerse the beef and later on the vegetables too. Then, I'll add cuts of carrots and potatoes. The other vegetables follow afterwards.

Finally, sprinkle the soup with chopped of fresh tomatoes and leek as well as fried shallot. Serve it warm with white rice.

Vegetable Soup

Product List for Vegetable Soup